Sunday, October 2, 2011

Talking Points #3

Quotes from
LGBT Parents Involved in, Excluded from K-12 Schools; Children Often Harassed

  • "All families in a school community should be valued and respected as equals" 
Why should it even matter what family background a student comes from? Why must we disrespect people because of something that isn't even our business to know? It really "shouldn't matter what your background is, everyone should be treated respectfully! We are all human beings, we're all made of bones, muscles, tissues, and organs. Who we are or what we choose to be shouldn't affect what we think of others!

  • "More than half (53%) of parents described various forms of exclusion from their school communities: being excluded or prevented from fully participating in school activities and events, being excluded by school policies and procedures, and being ignored and feeling invisible." 
This just doesn't seem fair to me at all. You're willing to teach someone's child, yet you disrespect the adult? What kind of message does that teach our children? If that's the kind of lesson you're teaching, then I wouldn't want you educating my children. I'm sure many parents who have been excluded from school activities for silly reasons like that would agree with me.

  • "LGBT parents reported mistreatment from other parents in the school community and even from their children’s peers at school – 26% of LGBT parents in the survey reported mistreatment from other parents and 21% reported hearing negative comments about being LGBT from students."

As I stated before, what kind of lesson does this teach our children? It's only okay to be different if you're different in certain ways? It upsets me to know that not only are children disrespecting LGBT adults, but other adults are being disrespectful too.

Overall, this article made me angry. I read through a lot of the other articles and was equally enraged by those as well. Slowly but surely I'm losing faith in society, but I still have a small glimmer of hope that one day, no matter what kind of background you come from or your personal choices, we can all just get along without any hate.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this mistreatment varies by region. Do you suspect living in a large progressive city versus a small evangelical town makes any difference?

Sasha-Lee Coyle said...

I love how I can practically hear you saying this in my head. You put yourself 100% into your writing! I didn't even read this article, but just from your quotes and explanations it makes me angry too!!

Sammi Machado said...

Tom: Hmm, that raises a good point. I grew up in a large military based city, an most everyone I knew and went to school with was pretty accepting of the LGBT community. That's definitely something to talk about in class; maybe we can compare how different areas treated people.
Sasha: Again, I grew up in a very accepting community so it enrages me to know that people are mistreated for silly little reasons. Also, after I posted this, I realized I did like a weird mix of the quotes and reflection options for this article.

Lang Prum said...

From my view in high school there was no bullying or harassment, but it could be that i was not paying attention or just happened when i was not around. I was also enraged when i read a few of the articles on the website. Just as you said the differences in people should be accepted. Because of the ideologies of SCWAAMP that creates sort of that norm that people should be expected of, people learn to recognize differences as "not right".